Wednesday, April 18

Life lately

Just some random phone pics again friends. Gone are my daily blogging days! 
Also, happy birthday brother! Happy anniversary parentals! Happy graduation Suegnet!
So much to celebrate. So many exclamation marks!

Anslyn and I went out for Easter frozen yoghurt. So good!

My brother visited and unpacked his drums. I wished he would move to Durbs so we could jam together. Jolling around in my jim jams and le specs. Cath reckons I'm busting some serious Bridget Jones vibes here! Agreed!

Hillcrest is pretty. Lots of lush trees. One of our old band flyers which I spotted in our practise room.

Sweet Stef at our jam on Tuesday. Working late at le office.

I had fun setting up my new desk at home. Must snap some proper pics! 
Cardi weather. And identical mirror expressions! x

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